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The HSBC Expat Explorer Survey reveals that Spain ranks 17th worldwide as the best destination for expats. Thanks to this result Spain leapfrogs normally high-ranking countries such as France (23rd), UK (35th) and Italy (38th).
Despite an economic contraction due to the global financial crisis of 2008, Spain remained a popular destination for expats, attracting international candidates from all over the world with its bright blue skies, sandy beaches, and business opportunities for the skilled international worker. However these are not the only reasons to relocate your life to Spain. Take a look below where we offer five reasons why you should start your career with us in Spain.
Over 48 million people live in Spain and the majority speak Spanish as their first language. As an expat you have the opportunity to learn one of the three most widely used languages in the world with 400 million speakers, giving you a competitive advantage on the local and international job market. Depending on your profession it is not usually a requirement to speak Spanish as long as you are fluent in English. Nevertheless, there are plenty of opportunities for you to know the language, starting with language schools or courses at the company, to practicing on the street or with your new Spanish friends.
According to the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey Spain ranks as the best place in Europe for expats in terms of life quality, and second overall, just behind New Zealand.
Indeed Spain also performs very well in the OECD Better Life Index, ranking above the European average in work-life balance for instance. “I love living in Spain,” Rafael Calle, Digital Executive in the Shared Services Centre in Barcelona, explains. “Due to the good weather, I can enjoy my free time after work much more, and meet new people on a regular basis. I have never got bored during my 6 years here”
Spain ranks 14th globally in terms of integration in the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey. Indeed, Spaniards are in general quite extroverted and curious about new cultures and peoples. After gaining some language skills it will be even easier to engage with locals over tapas or a work chat with a new colleague.
Spain has a very good public healthcare system which can be used by locals and international residents with a social security number (número de seguridad social). The social security number will be given after registering for a NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero), which itself enables expats to legally live in Spain. After arriving in Spain, the employee will receive a work contract from the employer and can then register via appointment at the city council to receive the NIE and social security number.
There is also the option to enjoy excellent private healthcare for reasonable prices from a number of major providers.
In terms of healthcare provision Spain reached an OECD satisfaction level of 8.4 out of 10, with the good weather and food a possible indicator for this positive development.
The cost of living in Spain is relatively low compared to other destinations in Europe. Expats will pay less for almost all basics including accommodation, food, transport and utilities. A two bedroom apartment can be found for around EUR 700 (depending on location and city), making it easy to share accommodation with a friend for a reasonable price.
Are you curious about exploring Spain?
Check out our vacancies for international talent in our Shared Services Center, and challenge your business skills for the benefit of your future career.
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